4. PM4NGS on GCP instance with Ubuntu

4.1. Creating a GCP instance with Ubuntu 20.02 LTS

Creates a VM instance running Ubuntu

Create a VM

Select boot disk with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with 500 GB of standard persistent disk.

Select boot disk

Click on the SSH button for accessing the instance

SSH access

A terminal is available after accessing through SSH


4.2. Installing PM4NGS on the GCP instance with Ubuntu

Runs these commands on a terminal to prepare the instance to run PM4NGS

veraalva@instance-1:~$ sudo apt-get update
veraalva@instance-1:~$ sudo apt-get install docker.io python3 python3-pip python3-venv python3-dev poppler-utils gcc nodejs tree
veraalva@instance-1:~$ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
veraalva@instance-1:~$ logout

Close and reopen the terminal to set the docker group in the user. Then, click on the SSH button again to re-launch the terminal.

4.3. Installing PM4NGS

Creates a Python virtual environment named: pm4ngs_venv for installing PM4NGS

veraalva@instance-1:~$ python3 -m venv pm4ngs_venv
veraalva@instance-1:~$ source pm4ngs_venv/bin/activate
(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$ pip install wheel
(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$ pip install pm4ngs

4.4. Using PM4NGS

Open a terminal and activate the pm4ngs_venv virtual environment

veraalva@instance-1:~$ source pm4ngs_venv/bin/activate
(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$ pm4ngs-chipexo --version
PM4NGS version: 0.0.4
(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$

4.5. Running the ChIP-exo demo

Open a terminal and activate the pm4ngs_venv virtual environment

veraalva@instance-1:~$ source pm4ngs_venv/bin/activate
(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@perseo:~$ pm4ngs-chipexo-demo
Generating demo for ChIP-exo data analysis project
Downloading file: pm4ngs_chipexo_demo_config.yaml
Downloading file: pm4ngs_chipexo_demo_sample_data.csv
Using config file: pm4ngs_chipexo_demo_config.yaml
    "author_name": "Roberto Vera Alvarez",
    "user_email": "veraalva@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov",
    "project_name": "pm4ngs-chipexo",
    "dataset_name": "PRJNA338159",
    "is_data_in_SRA": "y",
    "sequencing_technology": "single-end",
    "create_demo": "n",
    "number_spots": "1000000",
    "organism": "Escherichia coli",
    "genome_name": "NC_000913.3",
    "genome_dir": "{{ cookiecutter.genome_name}}",
    "aligner_index_dir": "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/BWA/",
    "genome_fasta": "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/NC_000913.3.fa",
    "genome_gtf": "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/NC_000913.3.gtf",
    "genome_chromsizes": "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/NC_000913.3.sizes",
    "use_docker": "y",
    "max_number_threads": "32"
Cloning Git repo: https://github.com/ncbi/cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb to /home/veraalva/pm4ngs-chipexo/bin/cwl
Updating CWLs dockerPull and SoftwareRequirement from: /home/veraalva/pm4ngs-chipexo/requirements/conda-env-dependencies.yaml
bamscale with version 0.0.3 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/bamscale:0.0.3--ha85820d_0
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/bamscale/bamscale-docker.yml with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bamscale:0.0.5--h18f8b1d_1
bedtools with version 2.29.2 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/bedtools:2.29.2--hc088bd4_0
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/bedtools/bedtools-docker.yml with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bedtools:2.28.0--hdf88d34_0
bioconductor-diffbind with version 2.16.0 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_0
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/deseq2-pca.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/macs-cutoff.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/dga_heatmaps.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/diffbind.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/edgeR-2conditions.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/volcano_plot.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/readQC.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/R/deseq2-2conditions.cwl with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bioconductor-diffbind:2.16.0--r40h5f743cb_2
bwa with version 0.7.17 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--hed695b0_7
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/bwa/bwa-docker.yml with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--h84994c4_5
There is not biocontainer image for gffread version 0.12.1
homer with version 4.11 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.11--pl526h9a982cc_2
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/homer/homer-docker.yml with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.11--pl526h2bce143_2
mace with version 1.2 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/mace:1.2--py27h99da42f_0
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/mace/mace-docker.yml with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/mace:1.2--py27h99da42f_1
meme with version 5.1.1 update image to: quay.io/biocontainers/meme:5.1.1--py37pl526h072abfd_3
    /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/bin/cwl/tools/meme/meme-docker.yml with old image replaced: quay.io/biocontainers/meme:5.1.1--py27pl526h53063a7_3
Copying file /Users/veraalva/Work/Developer/Python/pm4ngs/pm4ngs-chipexo/example/pm4ngs_chipexo_demo_sample_data.csv  to /Users/veraalva/my_ngs_project/data/my_dataset_name/sample_table.csv
6 files loaded
Using table:
  sample_name file                     condition  replicate
0  SRR4011416        Exp_O2_growth_no_rifampicin          1
1  SRR4011417        Exp_O2_growth_no_rifampicin          2
2  SRR4011421           Exp_O2_growth_rifampicin          1
3  SRR4011425           Exp_O2_growth_rifampicin          2
4  SRR4011418       Stat_02_growth_no_rifampicin          1
5  SRR4011419       Stat_02_growth_no_rifampicin          2

The terminal will looks like the next image.

Create a VM

Running the command tree to show the project structure

(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$ tree -L 3 pm4ngs-chipexo/
Create a VM

4.6. Running the Jupyter Server

Open a terminal and activate the pm4ngs_venv virtual environment and run the jupyter server. As the GCP instance is a remote computer, we need to run the jupyter server with the --port and --ip options.

(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$ jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888 --ip=
[I 14:12:52.956 NotebookApp] Serving notebooks from local directory: /home/veraalva
[I 14:12:52.956 NotebookApp] Jupyter Notebook 6.1.4 is running at:
[I 14:12:52.956 NotebookApp] http://instance-1:8888/?token=eae6a8d42ad12d6ace23f5d0923bcec14d0f798127750122
[I 14:12:52.956 NotebookApp]  or
[I 14:12:52.956 NotebookApp] Use Control-C to stop this server and shut down all kernels (twice to skip confirmatio
[C 14:12:52.959 NotebookApp]

    To access the notebook, open this file in a browser:
    Or copy and paste one of these URLs:
Create a VM

4.7. Open a firewall rule for accessing the Jupyter Server

A GCP firewall rule should be created to access the Jupyter server remotely. From your desktop computer.

Search for Firewall in the GCP search bar.

Create a VM

Click on the Create Firewall Rule button.

Create a VM

Add the rules name

Create a VM

Add the Jupyter port used that is 8888 and click on create.

Create a VM

The new rule is created and available

Create a VM

Go back to the VM instances to copy the instance public IP

Create a VM

Copy the instance public IP to the clipboard

Create a VM

Copy the URL with localhost in a browser adding :8888 which is the Jupyter server port.

Create a VM

The Jupyter server uses a securoty token to secure the access to your notebooks.

Create a VM

Go to the SSH terminal and copy the Jupyter token.

Create a VM

Paste the token in the input bar and click Log in

Create a VM

Open the pm4ngs-chipexo directory

Create a VM

Then, open the notebooks directory

Create a VM

Start running the notebook 01 - Pre-processing QC.ipynb

Create a VM

Open a different VM terminal to run the command htop to see the process running. In this casewe are seeing multiple fastq-dump command being executed.

Create a VM

Wait for that process to finish. The log can be checked running the Checking command output cell

Create a VM

In the VM terminal you can use the command tail to see the process log

(pm4ngs_venv) veraalva@instance-1:~$ tail -f -n 40 pm4ngs-chipexo/data/PRJNA338159/download.log
Create a VM

The process will finish with a message: Final process status is success

Create a VM

Running the Checking command output cell again

Create a VM

Finish the 01 - Pre-processing QC.ipynb notebook and go to the project report 00 - Project Report.ipynb. Execute the first and second cell to visualize the Pre-processing report table.

Create a VM

Follow this procedure for each notebook in the project.