Differential Binding detection from ChIP-Seq data ================================================= .. warning:: Read the :doc:`Background Information ` before proceeding with these steps .. warning:: Read the :doc:`Project Templates Installation ` notes to have the **cookiecutter** available in you shell depending on the execution environment you will be using. .. include:: /extra/factors_file.rst Installation ------------ ChIP-Seq workflow with Conda/Bioconda ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ChIP-Seq project structure is created using the conda environment named **templates**. First step is to activate the **templates** environment: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> conda activate templates Then, a YAML file (for this example I will call this file: **chipseq-hmgn1.yaml**) with your project detail should be created. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: default_context: author_name: "Roberto Vera Alvarez" user_email: "veraalva@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" project_name: "chipseq-hmgn1" dataset_name: "PRJNA481982" is_data_in_SRA: "y" ngs_data_type: "ChIP-Seq" sequencing_technology: "paired-end" create_demo: "y" number_spots: "2000000" organism: "mouse" genome_dir: "/gfs/data/genomes/igenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/Mus_musculus/mm9" genome_name: "mm9" aligner_index_dir: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/BWA" genome_fasta: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genome.fa" genome_gtf: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.gtf" genome_gff: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.gff" genome_gff3: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.gff3" genome_bed: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.bed" genome_chromsizes: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/mm9.chrom.sizes" genome_mappable_size: "mm9" genome_blacklist: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/mm9-blacklist.bed" fold_change: "2.0" fdr: "0.05" use_docker: "n" pull_images: "n" use_conda: "y" cwl_runner: "cwl-runner" cwl_workflow_repo: "https://github.com/ncbi/cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb" create_virtualenv: "n" use_gnu_parallel: "y" max_number_threads: "16" A full description of this parameters are :doc:`here `. After the **chipseq-hmgn1.yaml** is created the project structure should be created using this command obtaining the following output. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> cookiecutter --no-input --config-file chipseq-hmgn1.yaml https://github.com/ncbi/pm4ngs.git Checking ChIP-Seq workflow dependencies .......... Done localhost:~> This process should create a project organizational structure like this: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> tree chipseq-hmgn1 chipseq-hmgn1 ├── bin │   ├── bioconda (This directory include a conda envs for all bioinfo tools) │   ├── cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb (CWL workflow repo cloned here) │   └── jupyter (This directory include a conda envs for Jupyter notebooks) ├── config │   └── init.py ├── data │   └── PRJNA481982 ├── doc ├── index.html ├── LICENSE ├── notebooks │   ├── 00\ -\ Project\ Report.ipynb │   ├── 01\ -\ Pre-processing\ QC.ipynb │   ├── 02\ -\ Samples\ trimming.ipynb │   ├── 03\ -\ Alignments.ipynb │   └── 04\ -\ Peak\ Calling.ipynb ├── README.md ├── requirements │   └── python.txt ├── results │   └── PRJNA481982 ├── src └── tmp 12 directories, 9 files Now you should copied the **factors.txt** file to the folder: **data/PRJNA481982**. After this process, **cookiecutter** should have created create two virtual environment for this workflow. The first one is for running the Jupyter notebooks which require Python 3.6+ and it is named: **jupyter**. It can be manually installed as described in :doc:`here `. The second environment is be used to install all Bioinformatics tools required by the workflow and it will be named: **bioconda**. You can verify the environments running this command: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> conda env list # conda environments: # base * /gfs/conda tempates /gfs/conda/envs/templates /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/jupyter localhost:~> Please, note that the Conda prefix **/gfs/conda** will be different in you host. Also, note that the **bioconda** and **jupyter** envs are inside the **bin** directory of your project keeping them static inside the project organizational structure. ChIP-Seq workflow usage with Conda/Bioconda ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For start using the workflow you need to activate the conda environments **bioconda** and **jupyter**. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> conda activate /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda localhost:~> conda activate --stack /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/jupyter Note the **--stack** option to have both environment working at the same time. Also, the order is important, **bioconda** should be activated before **jupyter**. Test the conda envs: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> which fastqc /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda/bin/fastqc localhost:~> which jupyter /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/jupyter/bin/jupyter Note that the **fastqc** tools is installed in the **bioconda** env and the **jupyter** command is installed in the **jupyter** env. Then, you can start the jupyter notebooks. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> jupyter notebook If the workflow is deployed in a remote machine using SSH access the correct way to start the notebooks is: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip='' In this case the option **--ip=''** will server the Jupyter notebook on all network interfaces and you can access them from your desktop browser using the port returned by the Jupyter server. Finally, you should navegate in your browser to the **notebooks** folder and start executing all notebooks by their order leaving the **00 - Project Report.ipynb** to the end. ChIP-Seq workflow with Docker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ In this case, the ChIP-Seq project structure is created using the Python virtual environment as described :doc:`here ` First step is to activate the Python virtual environment. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> source venv-templates/bin/activate Then, a YAML file (for this example I will call this file: **chipseq-hmgn1.yaml**) with your project detail should be created. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: default_context: author_name: "Roberto Vera Alvarez" user_email: "veraalva@ncbi.nlm.nih.gov" project_name: "chipseq-hmgn1" dataset_name: "PRJNA481982" is_data_in_SRA: "y" ngs_data_type: "ChIP-Seq" sequencing_technology: "paired-end" create_demo: "y" number_spots: "2000000" organism: "mouse" genome_dir: "/gfs/data/genomes/igenomes/Homo_sapiens/UCSC/Mus_musculus/mm9" genome_name: "mm9" aligner_index_dir: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/BWA" genome_fasta: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genome.fa" genome_gtf: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.gtf" genome_gff: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.gff" genome_gff3: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.gff3" genome_bed: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/genes.bed" genome_chromsizes: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/mm9.chrom.sizes" genome_mappable_size: "mm9" genome_blacklist: "{{ cookiecutter.genome_dir}}/mm9-blacklist.bed" fold_change: "2.0" fdr: "0.05" use_docker: "y" pull_images: "y" use_conda: "n" cwl_runner: "cwl-runner" cwl_workflow_repo: "https://github.com/ncbi/cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb" create_virtualenv: "y" use_gnu_parallel: "y" max_number_threads: "16" A full description of this parameters are :doc:`here `. After the **chipseq-hmgn1.yaml** is created the project structure should be created using this command obtaining the following output. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> cookiecutter --no-input --config-file chipseq-paired.yaml https://github.com/ncbi/pm4ngs.git Cloning Git repo: https://github.com/ncbi/cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb to /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb Creating a Python3.7 virtualenv Installing packages in: /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/venv using file /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/requirements/python.txt Checking ChIP-Seq workflow dependencies . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/fastqc:0.11.8--1 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/trimmomatic:0.39--1 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/bwa:0.7.17--h84994c4_5 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/bedtools:2.28.0--hdf88d34_0 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/bcftools:1.9--h5c2b69b_5 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/phantompeakqualtools:1.2--1 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/samtools:1.9--h91753b0_8 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/rseqc:3.0.0--py_3 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/sra-tools:2.9.6--hf484d3e_0 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/igvtools:2.5.3--0 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/macs2:2.1.2--py27r351h14c3975_1 . Done . Pulling image: quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.10--pl526hc9558a2_0 . Done . Pulling image: ubuntu:18.04 . Done Building image: r-3.5_ubuntu-18.04 . Done Done localhost:~> This process should create a project organizational structure like this: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> tree chipseq-hmgn1 chipseq-hmgn1 . ├── bin │   └── cwl-ngs-workflows-cbb (CWL workflow repo cloned here) ├── config │   └── init.py ├── data │   └── PRJNA481982 ├── doc ├── index.html ├── LICENSE ├── notebooks │   ├── 00 - Project Report.ipynb │   ├── 01 - Pre-processing QC.ipynb │   ├── 02 - Samples trimming.ipynb │   ├── 03 - Alignments.ipynb │   └── 04 - Peak Calling.ipynb ├── README.md ├── requirements │   └── python.txt ├── results │   └── PRJNA481982 ├── src ├── tmp └── venv ├── bin ├── etc ├── include ├── lib ├── lib64 -> lib ├── LICENSE.txt ├── locale ├── README.md ├── README.rst ├── setup.cfg └── share 20 directories, 14 files Now you should copied the **factors.txt** file to the directory: **data/PRJNA481982**. After this process, **cookiecutter** should have pulled all docker images require by the project. ChIP-Seq workflow usage with Docker ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ For start using the workflow you need to activate the Python environment inside the project. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> source venv/bin/activate Then, you can start the jupyter notebooks now. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> jupyter notebook If the workflow is deployed in a remote machine using SSH access the correct way to start the notebooks is: .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> jupyter notebook --no-browser --ip='' In this case the option **--ip=''** will server the Jupyter notebook on all network interfaces and you can access them from your desktop browser using the port returned by the Jupyter server. Finally, you should navigate in your browser to the **notebooks** directory and start executing all notebooks by their order leaving the **00 - Project Report.ipynb** to the end. Jupyter Notebook Server ----------------------- Top-level directories from the Jupyter server viewed in a web browser ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: /img/top-level-structure.png :width: 800px :align: center :alt: Top-level directories from the Jupyter server viewed in a web browser Notebook generated fro the ChIP-Seq data analysis ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. image:: /img/chipseq-notebooks.png :width: 800px :align: center :alt: Notebook generated fro the ChIP-Seq data analysis CWL workflows ------------- .. include:: /cwl/sra_workflow.rst .. include:: /cwl/trimmomatic.rst .. include:: /cwl/chip-seq-alignment.rst .. include:: /cwl/peak-caller-MACS2.rst .. include:: /cwl/differential_binding-DiffBind.rst Test Project ------------ A test project is available (read-only) at https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pub/pm4ngs/examples/chipseq-hmgn1 Extra requirements ------------------ Configuring Homer databases ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Homer needs organism, promoter and genome databases for the annotation process. These databases are not distributed with the default installation package. The users need to install the specific databases for the organism analyzed in their projects. The next example is for mouse. **Using Conda** .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> conda activate /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda localhost:~> perl /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda/share/homer-4.10-0/configureHomer.pl -install mouse-o mouse-p mm9 localhost:~> perl /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda/share/homer-4.10-0/configureHomer.pl -list | grep -v "^-" Current base directory for HOMER is /home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda/share/homer-4.10-0/ --2019-08-30 12:05:27-- http://homer.ucsd.edu/homer/update.txt Resolving homer.ucsd.edu (homer.ucsd.edu)... Connecting to homer.ucsd.edu (homer.ucsd.edu)||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 16187 (16K) [text/plain] Saving to: ‘/home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda/share/homer-4.10-0//update.txt’ /gfs/projects/ngs_templates/cookiecutter/chips 100%[===================================================================================================>] 15.81K --.-KB/s in 0.07s 2019-08-30 12:05:28 (211 KB/s) - ‘/home/veraalva/chipseq-hmgn1/bin/bioconda/share/homer-4.10-0//update.txt’ saved [16187/16187] Updating Settings... Packages with name conflicts have a trailing -o, -p, or -g Version Installed Package Version Description SOFTWARE + homer v4.10.4 Code/Executables, ontologies, motifs for HOMER ORGANISMS + mouse-o v6.0 Mus musculus (mouse) accession and ontology information PROMOTERS + mouse-p v5.5 mouse promoters (mouse) GENOMES + mm9 v6.0 mouse genome and annotation for UCSC mm9 SETTINGS **Using Docker** A directory named **data/homer** will be used to store all homer configuration and databases. .. code-block:: bash localhost:~> cd chipseq-hmgn1/data localhost:~> mkdir -p homer localhost:~> docker run -u `id -u`:`id -g` -i -t -v `pwd`/homer:/data quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.10--pl526hc9558a2_0 cp /usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/config.txt /data/ localhost:~> docker run -u `id -u`:`id -g` -i -t -v `pwd`/homer:/data quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.10--pl526hc9558a2_0 cp /usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/update.txt /data/ localhost:~> docker run -u `id -u`:`id -g` -i -t -v `pwd`/homer:/data quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.10--pl526hc9558a2_0 cp -rf /usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/data /data/ localhost:~> docker run -i -t -v `pwd`/homer/config.txt:/usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/config.txt -v `pwd`/homer/update.txt:/usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/update.txt -v `pwd`/homer/data:/usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/data quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.10--pl526hc9558a2_0 perl /usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/configureHomer.pl -install mouse-o mouse-p mm9 localhost:~> docker run -i -t -v `pwd`/homer/config.txt:/usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/config.txt -v `pwd`/homer/update.txt:/usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/update.txt -v `pwd`/homer/data:/usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/data quay.io/biocontainers/homer:4.10--pl526hc9558a2_0 perl /usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/configureHomer.pl -list | grep -v "^-" Current base directory for HOMER is /usr/local/share/homer-4.10-0/ Connecting to homer.ucsd.edu ( update.txt 100% |*******************************| 16187 0:00:00 ETA Updating Settings... Packages with name conflicts have a trailing -o, -p, or -g Version Installed Package Version Description SOFTWARE + homer v4.10.4 Code/Executables, ontologies, motifs for HOMER ORGANISMS + mouse-o v6.0 Mus musculus (mouse) accession and ontology information PROMOTERS + mouse-p v5.5 mouse promoters (mouse) GENOMES + mm9 v6.0 mouse genome and annotation for UCSC mm9 SETTINGS